Ryder Cup Tournament
- Date: Saturday, November 18, Starts at 9:00 AM
- Open to Members
- Fees: Cart Fee + $25 Entry Fee (Due on Day of the Tournament)
- Used for Cash Prizes & Lunch?
- Two Primary Teams, Selection Method TBD (Possibly determined by where you live, either North or South of Hwy 98 or East or West of Capital Blvd
- Each Primary Team will have a Team Captain, and made up of multiple two-player teams
- One-day event, playing 27 holes, divided into 3 formats
- Each member of a 2-player team hits their own Drive – The best drive is selected and each player then plays their own ball
- The 2-player team counts the lowest score on each hole
- Lowest score wins the hole. For ties, the hole is halved.
- Only 1 score recorded per 2-player team
- FOURSOMES (Holes 10 – 18)
- Each 2-player team plays one ball per hole, taking alternate shots until each hole is complete.
- Players alternate tee shots, with one leading on odd-numbered holes, and the other hitting on even-numbered holes.
- Lowest score wins the hole. For ties, the hole is halved.
- Only 1 score recorded per 2-Player Team
- Team Captains identify who plays who – i.e. Player 1 on Team A, plays against Player 6 on Team B, and so on
- Everyone Plays their own ball
- Lowest score wins the hole. For ties, the hole is halved.
Prize Money (Based on Entry Fee and total number of teams/players)
Course is not expected to be closed to public during this tournament